Legal Research

InFocus offers a full suite of services for trial attorneys and litigation specialists. Test trail themes and issues, learn strengths and weaknesses of cases, analyze juror perceptions, identify characteristics of potentially favorable jurors, and uncover potential case landmines….all in a risk-free environment.

Focus Groups

Our focus groups typically consist of 8-10 participants that are recruited based on the demographics of the county in which the actual trial will take place. Rigorous screening ensures the best candidates for each session.

InFocus is pleased to offer a variety of formats including Concept Focus Groups, traditional attorney-neutral focus groups, and focus groups following attorney-presented case arguments. Each session is customized depending on client objectives.

Professional moderators lead the focus groups in creative and conversational discussion which uncovers valuable juror opinions, motivations and verdicts. This feedback helps attorneys shape case strategy and courtroom presentation.

Choose a single focus group or multiple sessions for a case. Multiple sessions allow for different sets of issues, approaches and theories to be comparatively tested. Each focus group lasts 3 to 4 hours.

Mock Trials

More comprehensive than focus groups, these sessions are generally utilized for more in-depth theme analysis, liability issues, and damages assessments. InFocus offers a variety if options in half and full-day formats. Choose single group deliberations or multiple groups for comparative results. Other options include a focus group and quantitative surveys and results.

Each session is completely customizable depending on client objectives and expertly facilitated.



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